我們很高興能在此宣布,更多來自神奧地區的寶可夢即將加入Pokémon GO囉!櫻花寶、圓陸鯊、沙河馬等寶可夢將會出現在地圖上或是在蛋裡。此外,威力強大的地面屬性招式「大地之力」將在最新的版本中登場!
- 能遇見或是孵出更多來自神奧地區的寶可夢。
- 地面屬性的特殊招式「大地之力」登場。威力非常強大,能在訓練家對戰中降低對手的防禦。
- 此次新登場的神奧地區寶可夢中,有部分寶可夢可以學會「大地之力」
- 尼多王、尼多后、化石翼龍、噴火駝和念力土偶也可以學會「大地之力」
- 全新的冰寒誘餌模組、藥草誘餌模組和磁鐵誘餌模組已在商店中上架。往後訓練家也有機會在特殊調查中獲得這些特別的誘餌模組。
- 特別的誘餌模組不僅能吸引附近的寶可夢,還能依其特性吸引特定屬性的寶可夢
- 冰寒誘餌模組能吸引喜歡寒氣的水屬性及冰屬性寶可夢
- 藥草誘餌模組能吸引棲息在森林中的蟲屬性、草屬性及毒屬性寶可夢
- 磁鐵誘餌模組能吸引和電力、磁鐵相關的電屬性、鋼屬性及岩石屬性寶可夢。
- 只要靠近有使用特別誘餌模組的寶可補給站,就能讓伊布、三合一磁怪和朝北鼻進化
- 使用誘餌模組進行特別的進化前,可以從寶可夢的詳細情報畫面確認是否要進行進化。
—Pokémon GO開發團隊敬上
- 可習得「大地之力」:此次登場的部份「神奧地區」寶可夢和尼多王、尼多后、化石翼龍、噴火駝、念力土偶。
- 新寶可夢登場:
- 櫻花寶、圓陸鯊、尖牙陸鯊、結草兒、無殼海兔、沙河馬
- 新誘餌模組:
- 吸引:傑尼龜、白海獅、拉普拉斯、狃拉
- 進化:冰伊布(伊布進化)
- 吸引:妙蛙種子、綠毛蟲、臭泥、鬼斯、木守宮、鉗尾蠍
- 進化:葉伊布(伊布進化)
- 吸引:皮卡丘、小磁怪、小拳石(阿羅拉型態)、雷電球、三合一磁怪
- 進化:自爆磁怪(三合一磁怪進化)、大朝北鼻(朝北鼻進化)
- 官網-英文:https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/sinnohandlureupdate/
- 官網-中文:https://pokemongolive.com/zh_hant/post/sinnohandlureupdate/
- PokemonHub:https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/new-lures-pokemon-earth-power/
We’re excited to announce that more Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region are coming to Pokémon GO! From seas and beaches to mountains and beyond, be on the lookout for Cherubi, Gible, Hippopotas, and others. We hope you’ll enjoy the fun and surprises as you encounter these Pokémon in the wild and hatch them from Eggs. Also arriving in Pokémon GO is a powerful Ground-type move—Earth Power!
Plus, we have more exciting news to share. Thanks to your dedication in helping Professor Willow with his research, he has made some amazing improvements to our favorite module—the Lure Module. Inspired by research collected from around the world, three upgraded Lure Modules have been developed. These modules attract Pokémon in the surrounding area while creating a temporary special habitat. Soon you’ll be able to harness the power of Glacial Lure Modules, Mossy Lure Modules, and Magnetic Lure Modules. These lures might even have the potential to cause Evolution in certain Pokémon!
More details on these exciting additions:
- Additional Sinnoh Pokémon are now available to catch in the wild and hatch from Eggs.
- Earth Power is a powerful Ground-type Charged Attack that could lower your opponent’s defense in Trainer Battles.
- Certain Pokémon recently arrived from the Sinnoh region will know Earth Power.
- Other Pokémon that could know Earth Power include Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Aerodactyl, Camerupt, and Claydol.
- Glacial Lure Modules, Mossy Lure Modules, and Magnetic Lure Modules can be obtained in the in-game shop and will be available later this season as rewards for completing new Special Research tasks.
- These Lure Modules attract local Pokémon as well as bonus Pokémon based on the type of lure.
- Glacial Lure Modules attract certain Pokémon that love the cold, such as Water- and Ice-Type Pokémon.
- Mossy Lure Modules attract certain Pokémon that love to frolic among the leaves, such as Bug-, Grass-, and Poison-Type Pokémon.
- Magnetic Lure Modules attract certain Pokémon that are drawn to electromagnetic forces, such as some Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-type Pokémon.
- When Trainers are within range of a PokéStop with an active lure of the appropriate type, and they can successfully spin its Photo Disc, Evolution of Magneton and Nosepass will be enabled, as well as certain Evolutions of Eevee.
- You can choose whether or not to proceed with these special Evolutions on the Pokémon’s detail screen.
What other surprises will you discover? The only way to find out is to get out and GO!
—The Pokémon GO Team