

俗稱《格林童話》(德語:Grimms Märchen)的《兒童與家庭童話集》(德語:Kinder- und Hausmärchen,KHM)是德國格林兄弟出版的一部著名童話集,首版於1812年出版,全書總共七版共收錄童話200餘則。

本篇所說的〈杜松樹〉(〈The Juniper Tree〉或〈The Almond Tree〉,低地德語 :〈Von dem Machandelboom〉)出現於於第一版,至第七版仍存在著,是本作品中比較血腥、恐怖的。






A wealthy and pious couple pray every day for God to grant them a child. One winter, under the juniper tree in the courtyard, the wife peels an apple. She cuts her finger and drops of blood fall onto the snow. This leads her to wish for a child to be as white as snow and as red as blood. Six months later, the wife becomes gravely ill from eating juniper berries and asks her husband to bury her beneath the juniper tree if she dies. A month later, she gives birth to a baby boy as white as snow and as red as blood. She dies of happiness. Keeping his promise, the husband buries her beneath the juniper tree. He eventually marries again and he and his new wife have a daughter named Marlinchen (in some versions Marlene, Marjory or Ann Marie).

一對富裕虔誠的夫婦每天祈禱上帝賜予他們一個孩子。在某個冬天,妻子在院子的杜松樹下剝了一個蘋果。她不小心劃破手指,鮮血滴落在雪地上。看到這個,她希望一個孩子能像雪一樣白、像血一樣紅。六個月後,妻子因食用杜松子而患了重病,她要求丈夫把自己埋葬在杜松樹下;一個月後,她生下了一個男嬰,他就像雪一樣白,像血一樣的紅色。而她就在這幸福中死去。丈夫信守諾言,將她埋在杜松樹下。之後丈夫再次結婚,他和新婚妻子有一個女兒,名字叫瑪麗臣(Marlinchen)(在某些版本中為Marlene,Marjory或Ann Marie)。


The new wife loves Marlinchen but despises her stepson. She abuses him every day, claiming that she wishes Marlinchen to inherit her father's wealth instead of her stepson. One afternoon after school, the stepmother plans to lure her stepson into an empty room containing a chest of apples. Marlinchen sees the chest and asks for an apple, which the stepmother gracefully offers. However, when the boy enters the room and reaches down the chest for an apple, the stepmother slams the lid onto his neck, decapitating him. The stepmother binds his head with the rest of his body with a bandage and props his body onto a chair outside, with an apple on his lap. Marlinchen, unaware of the situation, asks her stepbrother for an apple. Hearing no response, she is forced by her mother to box him in the ear, causing his head to roll onto the ground. Marlinchen profusely cries throughout the day whilst the stepmother dismembers the stepson's body and cooks him into a "blood-soup" (Black Puddings Sauer/Suur) for dinner. She later deceives her husband by telling him that his son stayed at the mother's great uncle's house. The husband unwittingly eats the "blood-soup" (Black puddings/Sauer/Suur) during dinner and proclaims it to be delicious. Marlinchen gathers the bones from the dinner and buries them beneath the juniper tree with a handkerchief.

新妻子愛瑪麗臣,卻鄙視自己的繼子。她每天虐待他,聲稱她希望瑪麗臣繼承父親的財產而不是繼子。在某個放學後的下午,繼母計劃引誘她的繼子進入有著裝滿一箱蘋果的空房間。瑪麗臣看到了胸部(?),並要了一個蘋果,繼母優雅地提供了一個蘋果。但是,當男孩進入房間並伸手從胸部往下拿一個蘋果時,繼母將蓋子砸在了脖子上,他的頭就斷掉了。繼母用繃帶將頭部與身體的其他部分綁在一起,將身體支撐在外面的椅子上,膝蓋上放著一個蘋果。瑪麗臣不了解情況,向她的繼兄弟要了一個蘋果。因為沒有聽到任何回應,媽媽要瑪麗臣拳打他耳朵,這使他的頭滑落在地上。 瑪麗臣嚇到整天哭泣,而繼母肢解了繼子的身體,並把他煮成「血湯」(Black Puddings Sauer / Suur,應該是一種稱為「血布丁」的傳統食物)當晚飯。後來,她欺騙丈夫,說兒子留在母親的大叔叔家中。丈夫在晚餐時不知不覺地吃了「血湯」,並說它很美味。 瑪麗臣晚餐中收集骨頭,然後用手帕將其埋在杜松樹下。


Suddenly, a mist emerges from the juniper tree and a beautiful bird flies out. The bird visits the local townspeople and sings about its brutal murder at the hands of its stepmother. Captivated by its lullaby, a goldsmith, a shoemaker and a miller offer the bird a gold chain, a pair of red shoes and a millstone in return for the bird singing its song again. The bird returns home to give the gold chain to the husband while giving Marlinchen the red shoes. Meanwhile, the stepmother complains about the “raging fires within her arteries”, revealed to be the real cause of her anger and hatred towards her stepson. She goes outside for relief but the bird drops the millstone onto her head, killing her instantly. Surrounded by smoke and flames, the son, revealed to be the bird, emerges and reunites with his family. They celebrate and head inside for lunch, and live happily ever after.




"My mother she killed me,

My father he ate me,

My sister, little Marlinchen,

Gathered together all my bones,

Tied them in a silken handkerchief,

Laid them beneath the juniper-tree,

Kywitt, kywitt, what a beautiful bird am I!"













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