—Pokémon GO開發團隊敬上
- 台灣時間2019年6月5日清晨起至2019年6月11日
- 小拳石、獨角犀牛、菊石獸、可可多拉、太古羽蟲、觸手百合等岩石屬性寶可夢出現的機率將會提高
- 2公里蛋可孵出大岩蛇、太古羽蟲、觸手百合、幼基拉斯及盾甲龍等岩石屬性的寶可夢。
- 可在團體戰中挑戰岩蛇寶可夢「大岩蛇」與其他岩石屬性的寶可夢。
- 如果你夠幸運的話,還有機會遇見異色的大岩蛇、觸手百合或太古羽蟲!
- 帶夥伴一起走路時可獲得的糖果增加為平常4倍(小秘訣:別忘了開啟「時時刻刻冒險」模式!)
- 拜訪從未去過的寶可補給站時,可獲得10倍的XP。
- 開啟「時時刻刻冒險」模式並步行50公里的訓練家,可獲得星星沙子x50000及15顆神奇糖果!
- 在活動期間,玩家將可以進行特殊主題的田野調查。
- 訓練家們,該是邁上旅程的時候了!和你的夥伴一起出門探險吧!
—Pokémon GO開發團隊敬上
- 臺灣(UTC+8):2019/6/5 4:00~6/12 4:00
- 全世界:2019/6/4 13:00~6/11 13:00
- 驚奇冒險週2019:孵 2 顆蛋-觸手百合 / 神奇糖果
- 驚奇冒險週2019:拜訪 25 個寶可夢補給站-頭蓋龍
- 驚奇冒險週2019:拜訪 2 個新的寶可夢補給站-盾甲龍
- 驚奇冒險週2019:和夥伴寶可夢一起走路,獲得 3 顆糖果-太古羽蟲
- 驚奇冒險週2019:進化觸手百合或太古羽蟲-大岩蛇
- 驚奇冒險週2019:捕捉 5 隻菊石獸或化石盔-化石翼龍
- 驚奇冒險週2019:捕捉 5 隻可可多拉-金屬膜
- 拜訪從未去過的寶可補給站時,可獲得10倍的XP
- 獲得糖果距離變成1/4
- 「時時刻刻冒險」模式並步行50公里的訓練家,可獲得星星沙子x50000、15顆神奇糖果!
- 2 KM的蛋,可以孵出岩石性寶可夢:大岩蛇、太古羽蟲、觸手百合、幼基拉斯、盾甲龍
- 官網-英文:https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/adventureweek2019/
- 官網-中文:https://pokemongolive.com/zh_hant/post/adventureweek2019/
- PokemonHub:https://pokemongohub.net/post/event/adventure-week-2019/
Pack your bags and lace up your hiking boots—it’s almost Adventure Week! The groundbreaking event returns this year, bigger and better than ever. Keep your eyes peeled for new Shiny Pokémon to discover, limited-time Field Research, and rewards for exploring new areas with your Buddy Pokémon!
Date + Time
—The Pokémon GO Team
Pack your bags and lace up your hiking boots—it’s almost Adventure Week! The groundbreaking event returns this year, bigger and better than ever. Keep your eyes peeled for new Shiny Pokémon to discover, limited-time Field Research, and rewards for exploring new areas with your Buddy Pokémon!
Date + Time
- Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at 1 p.m. to Tuesday, June 11, 2019, at 1 p.m. PDT (GMT −7)
- Rock-type Pokémon like Geodude, Rhyhorn, Omanyte, Aron, Lileep, Anorith, and many others will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Hatch Rock-type Pokémon such as Onix, Larvitar, Lileep, Anorith, and Shieldon from 2 km Eggs.
- Challenge Onix, the Rock Snake Pokémon, and other Rock-type Pokémon in raids.
- You may encounter a Shiny Onix, Lileep, or Anorith if you’re lucky!
- Earn 4× Buddy Candy (Tip: Turn on Adventure Sync to make every step count!)
- Visit new PokéStops and earn 10× XP on your first spin of each Photo Disc
- Trainers who have Adventure Sync activated and walk 50 km will earn 50,000 Stardust and 15 Rare Candies!
- Specially themed Field Research tasks will be available for a limited time during this event.
- Embrace your hiker spirit, Trainers! You never know what you and your Buddy Pokémon might find. Join this adventure before it ends on June 11. Get up and GO!
—The Pokémon GO Team